Setting Titans Educational Goals in May Amid the Challenges of COVID-19
The challenges that beset our student-athletes are evident during the COVID-19 crisis of Spring 2020. However, with challenges come excellent opportunities. It is time for our players to seize the day and get a firmer grasp of their post-secondary goals and improve their skills in the classroom. The recent signings of Alex Kok (Rockingham Community College in Wentworth, North Carolina) and Dylan Campese (Queen’s University in Kingston, Ontario) are inspirational stories for all Titans players. To continue our organization’s momentum and foster a supportive environment for our student-athletes, here are some helpful hints and reminders as we face another three-four weeks out of the conventional classroom and off the baseball field:
SAT preparation—During this “down time”, use the resources of Sylvan Learning to prepare for the SAT and to engage in enrichment activities. Math and Language activities abound on their website. The Titans will reschedule the practice SAT session that was originally scheduled for April 4 and to be invigilated by Rita Cruickshank of Sylvan Learning. Until that time, there are numerous SAT prep workbooks on the market to purchase and peruse. Additionally, this is a good time to review what SAT score you need to attain to get into your US college or university of choice. Lastly, it is timely to see what academic institution in your residential area is approved by the College Board to host tests. For example, St Andrew’s College in Aurora is an accredited host for SAT testing. Go to the College Board’s website for further information;
On-Line Help with Assignments—Avail yourself of your Education Compliance Officer’s resources. Contact Jim Stewart at or text him at 905-717-0374 if you need help with any of your high school writing assignments. Players have begun to send drafts to Jim and improved results look promising for our student-athletes. Improving high school essays or reports is a way to refine your ability as a writer and secure higher grades which will improve your GPA for admission purposes;
Selecting Colleges and Universities—Do your on-line research this month and compile your Top Ten list of schools you would like to attend after your graduate from high school and the Titans baseball program. Email this list to Director of Player Development and Baseball Operations Lawrence Vera so he can compile and update our players’ recruiting files.
Preparing for Summative Evaluation in Your High School Courses: Submit all summative performance tasks such as CPTs, ISUs, final essays, and other high value projects. Email Jim Stewart a Word Document or Google Docs version of the assignment three days before it is due. He will assist you with proofreading and provide feedback for improvement. Create study sheets for summative tests in which you compress your notebooks into the most important ideas on the course. Color-code these sheets with different highlighter colors and memorize them so they reside in your Short Term Memory for easy retrieval during on-line tests. Highlighting notes in different colours helps your brain take a photo of these key concepts that will be retrievable in your Short Term Memory under the pressures of time.
Flipping sheets of paper in a course notebook or in an electronic medium is not effective studying. You need to write out or type out the ideas so it is processed by you. Study for 50 minutes consecutively with no social media present and take 10 minute breaks; memorize study notes that you have created.
Make the last twenty-one days of May very productive by keeping your eyes on the academic prize. Don’t be distracted by the Pandemic. Stay safe, study effectively, write well, research schools, and practice for the SAT. We look forward to seeing our Titans at the Facility and on the Diamond soon! Coach Vera has completed our organizational protocols for a safe return to our practice facility. These will be published when we receive confirmation from the Fergie Jenkins Showcase League regarding Opening Weekend.